We're excited to announce our latest Wondaris® update, featuring a new integration destination that will help streamline your workflow and automate your marketing tasks.

Our Zapier Destination makes connecting your Wondaris® account to over 800 marketing apps easy, giving you the power to activate your first-party customer data to marketing destinations not natively supported by Wondaris®.

According to Zapier, "automation is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for businesses." XPON’s Chief Product Officer Marcus Callon adds, “Integrating Zapier as a destination enables our Wondaris® customers to activate high-value audiences into a broader set of solutions with over 800+ marketing apps”

For marketing managers, CMOs, and digital marketing managers of mid-sized to large B2C enterprises, this means greater efficiency and more time to focus on strategy.

As the Customer Data Platform (CDP) sends event data, user traits, user ids, and other event properties, including product data, to Zapier, you can easily unify your customer data with your favourite CRM and automate tasks. You can also trigger a workflow based on user actions on your website and send personalised data to your customers without writing code or relying on developers.

In addition to our Zapier integration, we're excited to unveil several new enhancements that will simplify your user experience. With alphabetically sorted destination filters, you can quickly find the integration you need, while email notifications on scheduled 'Destination' deprecations will ensure a seamless transition to new features.

We're committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we're confident that our latest updates will help you achieve your marketing goals more effectively than ever. 

Experience our refreshed Wondaris today and discover the power of our Zapier Destination. Connect with the Wondaris team today to find out more about the benefits working with a CDP partner.

Want to try Wondaris? Get in touch.

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In 2023, the way to optimise Facebook Ads campaigns, measure the all-important ROI, and the way in which you’re able to collect and track 1st Party Data and 3rd Party Data is drastically changing.

As advertisers face a world without cookies, current tools such as Facebook (Meta) Pixel are becoming less effective. Pixel’s reliance on browser tracking, combined with increased ad-blocking and iOS security measures, has resulted in issues with inaccurate or missed conversions, and its application as a standalone tool will continue to diminish with the sunset on 3rd party data.

So how do marketers overcome these challenges, and work with 1st party data to optimise Facebook Ads campaigns for better campaign results?

Facebook Conversions API

The Conversions API (CAPI) is a Meta business tool that creates a direct connection between your marketing data and Meta. Where Facebook Pixel works by placing cookies to track users, CAPI collects data from your own website’s server to feed into Facebook. This server-side implementation allows for more reliable tracking of events than client-side - which is subject to things like the aforementioned ad blocking and cookie restrictions - and fills in the gaps that Pixel may have missed.

Working together, the two tools are able to maximise the reliability of data that you collect about users, and deliver better insights into the effectiveness of campaigns.

CAPI and Wondaris

Given that CAPI works with your own marketing data and systems, being able to utilise a customer data platform (CDP) such as Wondaris, and its single unified view of a customer, stands to provide the richest data to optimise ad targeting, whilst having confidence that information is being collected and managed securely. Further Wondaris’ activation tool and automation capabilities builds and delivers audience lists automatically to Facebook advertising, allowing for faster, more responsive campaign execution.

Using Facebook CAPI server-side tagging with Wondaris also delivers the following benefits to advertisers:

We’ve previously discussed how CDPs such as Wondaris will continue to gain momentum to help organisations deliver more effective, personalised engagement across omnichannel campaigns (whilst handling consent and privacy requirements). The introduction of Facebooks’s CAPI is a natural fit with a CDP to leverage an organisation’s own 1st party data to better optimise Facebook Ads campaigns and deliver the best ROI with their audiences.

The Wondaris CDP allows you to link all of your business and marketing data sources so you can better understand what’s driving people to your brand and how you can ensure they stay loyal to you long-term. Connect with the Wondaris team today to find out more about the benefits working with a CDP partner.

Want to try Wondaris? Get in touch.

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When it comes to navigating Google Ads with the new and incoming privacy, browser and regulation changes, Google developed their Customer Match tool to help bridge the gap, enabling organisations to better leverage their 1st party data for advertising campaigns. 

In this post, we look at how Google Customer Match benefits marketers and advertisers, and how to execute faster, more targeted campaigns securely using a Google CMU Partner like Wondaris.

A quick look at Google Customer Match

Google’s Customer Match is an advertising tool that enables users to create custom segments by utilising their 1st party data of existing customers/audiences. Google matches the 1st party data that you provide against its own user profiles (whilst protecting and disassociating all user information once an audience is created). Advertisers can target known audiences across search, display, video, shopping and Gmail campaigns. 

 A number of benefits of using Customer Match, including the ability to:

Want to know more? Our parent company, XPON, delved deeper into the benefits of Customer Match in their 2022 article.

Why using a Customer Match Partner leads to simpler, faster customer engagement 

On its own, the current process with Google Customer Match is very manual. First, you must segment and download relevant audience 1st party data to format for Google Ads using one of Google’s provided Google Sheet templates. Next, you must then upload and await the matching process to match your customer data to Google Accounts, and then repeat this process with each audience you wish to create. 

Having to do this manually, particularly with large volumes of data and/or data silos, is inefficient, and time-consuming; particularly if you are running numerous campaigns to segments of audiences. This is where organisations find the benefits of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) that is also a recognised Google Customer Match Partner to be a huge advantage (check out our recent article for more information about using a CDP to shift from 3rd to 1st party data).

In May last year, Wondaris became an official Google CMU Partner. Wondaris joined a group of endorsed 3rd party providers that are able to upload data via a native integration, thereby mitigating the data security and integrity risks involved with manual data entry processes.  

From a useability perspective, the partnership means our clients are able to upload high-value audiences securely through simple and clickable workflows. Specifically, Wondaris allows for the integration of your own unique customer data (both online and offline) from your CRM into Wondaris for segmentation, and then be natively added into Google Ads. Combining the powers of an approved CDP with Google Customer Match makes for a much faster, more efficient process, whilst giving advertisers confidence that they are activating data from all possible sources, in a secure, privacy-compliant way. Together, they give brands and organisations the capability to scale campaigns, achieve greater reach and engagement, and ultimately improve customer experience.

The Wondaris CDP allows you to link all of your business and marketing data sources so you can better understand what’s driving people to your brand and how you can ensure they stay loyal to you long-term. Connect with the Wondaris team today to find out more about the benefits of working with a CDP partner.

Want to try Wondaris? Get in touch.

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If you are not yet aware of the impending changes of the once reliable cookie, the rapid rise of 1st party data, and the sunset of Google’s Universal Analytics, being replaced by GA4 - then 2023 is the year of digital transformation for your data and advertising management. 

To help prepare and manage these changes in data collection, analysis and usage, predictions have also started to include a focus on the importance of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) in an organisation’s tech stack. In this article we thought we’d take a look at the reasons behind the predicted uptake, and why 2023 is the year of the CDP.

From 3rd to 1st Party Data

The loss of cookies in early 2024 means brands and marketing teams have no choice but to focus on prioritising the way they will start to collect and manage 1st party data. And importantly, the most effective and impactful way to utilise that data once it's captured.

There’s no shortage of information around the importance of a CDP for making the most of the shift from 3rd to 1st party data; removing data silos, collecting data including personally identifiable information to deliver a single, unified view of your customer, and the ability to automate the collation and activation of data into multiple channels with simple click-through workflows just to start. Being able to do this via automation (and without technical skills) makes a CDP an appealing investment for organisations who need to maximise ROI and efficiency, whilst having all the information to create the best engagement and customer experience (CX) across touchpoints.

The other big factor to consider with the way (and type) of data being collected going forward is how organisations will handle the cybersecurity challenges they stand to face. Whilst no business is completely immune to the threat of cyber attacks, CDPs like Wondaris provide great data protection by managing and activating data within a privacy-safe environment, with complete control over who can access data, what data they can access, and how and where it can be activated.

The CDP and GA4 relationship

From July 2023, Google will stop adding new data into your UA account. If you don't have a GA4 account you will not have a view of customer data for as long as you don't set up a new GA4 account. With this in mind organisations and marketers are best advised to jump on board with the change. 

A key difference between GA4 and Universal Analytics is that GA4 will no longer collect cookies; rather it aligns with the new privacy-first landscape in the way it collects and manages user data.

So how does that work with a CDP? By connecting the two platforms to provide an even more holistic view of a customer and actionable data. 

There is no denying the power of the data that Google Analytics is able to generate, especially with the advanced features expected with GA4. However, a CDP is able to go that one step further, beyond the ‘how many’ to the ‘who’ by collating information from all data stores within an organisation - including offline and identifiable data (so for organisations wanting to know a specific customer’s preferences/history, GA4 simply isn't enough).  Further, the learning curve for the move to GA4 isn’t necessarily a simple switch, so having a CDP already in place gives marketers time to understand the new platform, knowing that their data collection and activation can continue regardless.

2023 poses a big, and potentially challenging, year for organisations and brands who want to remain competitive at a digital level. Customer expectations will only continue to increase, and those who can deliver the best, and most relevant, CX will come out ahead, assuming they are also able to navigate regulatory and data changes. It seems inevitable that demand for technology such as CDPs will only continue to grow in the next 12 months. Investing in a CDP can assist teams in creating more effective, personalised engagement across omnichannel campaigns - whilst also helping manage consent and privacy-first requirements.

The Wondaris CDP allows you to link all of your business and marketing data sources so you can better understand what’s driving people to your brand and how you can ensure they stay loyal to you long-term. Connect with the Wondaris team today to find out more about the benefits working with a CDP partner.

Want to try Wondaris? Get in touch.

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Email marketing is the use of email as a channel to promote, educate, drive sales and conversions - whilst also aiming to develop a more personalised relationship with customers you are communicating with. Having access to an individual’s email address is the result of direct engagement (and permission) from a prospect or customer, and it is generally the most easily gathered type of 1st party data. 

As marketers begin to navigate the approaching deprecation of cookies and are no longer able to rely on 3rd party data, it is becoming clear that a focus on email marketing will be key to building their 1st party data strategy, and one of their most valuable assets.

Email Marketing + 1st Party Data = win-win

Whilst email marketing is the most common form of obtaining 1st party data, by leveraging this and subsequent data you can then also drive more effective email marketing campaigns… but how does this loop work?

  1. In the first instance, an email address is obtained from a site user or other data collection/lead generation point (it’s important to remember, that whilst marketers have to switch to a 1st party data strategy to meet the changing landscape, people will only share their data if they believe it is of value for them to do so).
  2. Companies can then use email to collect additional 1st party data from leads and customers 
  3. This information can then be used to segment into audiences based on similar characteristics, preferences, and/or needs
  4. Marketing teams are then able to develop personalised emails to talk to those audience segments about their specific interests, solve a problem, etc.
  5. Rinse and repeat - by testing and measuring the effectiveness of messages, future emails can be further tailored (whilst also collecting more 1st party data along the way), thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion and ROI.

The CRM and CDP Relationship - from email to ads

The collection of 1st party data in the form of email goes well beyond its use in direct marketing. The next step is utilising this unique customer information in advertising campaigns and retargeting. 

In some cases, an organisation will already be using their email marketing platform (HubSpot, Mailchimp, Pardot, etc.) as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool and source of truth about its audience(s). In addition to a CRM, Customer Data Platforms (CDP) such as Wondaris, are increasingly being adopted to help create a single unified view of users in the new 1st party data landscape. CDPs integrate with an organisation’s CRM to better understand customer touchpoints and preferences pre-, during and post-purchase, and can also leverage data for Google Ads campaigns for more targeted and effective advertising.

In a real life application, an organisation might be sending out a monthly email newsletter to its subscribers. They might then also want to roll out and test tailored Google Ads. The marketing team can use the email addresses with Google’s Customer Match (a targeting tool that helps advertisers and marketers to utilise their own 1st party data) - to target and retarget known audiences across search, display, video, shopping and Gmail campaigns. 

Google uses the 1st party data provided with their own user profile information to develop a Customer Match Audience; from there marketers can create campaigns and ads targeting that audience (and future segments). To make things even easier and more efficient, the Wondaris CDP is one of a group of 3rd party integrators approved by Google to upload Customer Match Segments within the Google Ads platform. The Customer Matching Upload partnership allows clients to upload high-value audiences securely through simple and clickable workflows. 

With its ability to collect data directly from consumers, email marketing provides the ideal platform to replace the current reliance on 3rd party data and cookies. Email will most likely become the unique identifier for users, and its application has reach beyond sending out the odd newsletter - instead allowing for tailored and targeted campaigns across multiple channels and touchpoints, and a better view of customers than previously able.

The Wondaris cloud platform allows you to link all of your business and marketing data sources so you can better understand what’s driving people to your brand and how you can ensure they stay loyal to you long-term. Connect with the Wondaris team today.

Want to try Wondaris? Get in touch.

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